SPL To the Best, To the First
Beyond World best and step forward to the future.
SPL Co., Ltd.
is a customer-oriented company with a specialty of modules and parts for automobile that fulfillscustomers with safety, quality, date of delivery, cost, technology, and aims to be the world’s best company in 21st century.
Our goal is to become the best in system and product with a target of becoming flawless quality by totally understanding ISO/TS16949 [2002 version] quality control system that is widely recognized for its specialty and system city including specified customers’ demands. All the employees have to understand that they have to grope the importance of customers’demands and seek growth of the company and customers. Also, they must mutually observe the process and pursuit continuous improvement for achieving quality goal and attainment in result.
We will work with our employees, collaborators, and customers to prove that we are the best company for our customers, and achieve our goal to be the best by an intention of obtaining customers’ trust, providing prosperity for employees, and maintaining partnership with suppliers.
- Customer quality evaluation rank up by strengthen quality management
- Continuous improvement activity based on QRQC
- Outflow defect “Zero” by self-inspection standardization
About our quality policy and goal, we will try to confirm on continuous adequacy by 「Business plan operation process」 and 「Management examination process」, and post up this quality policy and goal for propagation to make employees understand the policy.